Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Day 25/30: Cooking more and Eating Less Processed food

Hello! I've been eating all my meals except for today when I took a break because of hormones and decided to have some of the food I would normally have: Starbucks sandwich and a cake pop. I had my own coffee, so saved on calories there and had less sugar by a lot compared to my prior diet.

I will say, my sleep is off because of a work deadline this week that I'm still somewhat behind on. But still making breakfast every day and it's almost second nature, except for today. I didn't have anything to eat yesterday, so I just grabbed bread, tuna, bell peppers, and onions and made a delicious sandwich! That meal was from a comment on an earlier post here, I'm definitely getting awesome food inspiration and advice from here, thank-you!

I had a meeting with my nutritionist that annoyed me a lot - they didn't check any of my logging and just asked me to read my logs to them over the past week. And then I was asked to eat food that I said that I didn't like to eat and had repeatedly said. It's very annoying to not be listened to.

There's another nutritionist that I'd have to pay more for because she comes in prepared and can remember things. I haven't lost a pound from almost a month of changing my diet and cooking more, and was told that it was because of drinking soda for almost 30 minutes and to drink sparkling water as a replacement by my current nutritionist..... I've always hated soda and never spoke about soda to them.

I was so annoyed after that meeting since I was getting ChatGPT answers to questions I didn't ask/didn't have problems with, so now I'm determined to eat healthier because of being annoyed at the nutritionist.

I went to Reformer, then had a sandwich and acai bowl, then did some stretching! I didn't make the acai bowl, but I watched it being made from an organic restaurant. which is pretty cool! It's a plant based, farm to table restaurant. It's pricy, but I do enjoy it. Outside of today, I haven't been eating out at all this week! And also haven't used my Credit Card in over a week, so that's been really nice. I've definitely saved a lot of money to pay off debt that I'd normally eat out with, so after Reformer tomorrow, I plan to make more food! And maybe making Acai bowls - I do like them a lot, it's just a pain to create, but I have some time this weekend after I finish working tonight (yes, procrastinating by writing this, lol).

I'll definitely keep writing on here after the 30 days, but probably do Round 2, so sort of like FB programs!